
Learn how to use Flight ticket effectively. If you can’t find what you need, contact us through the feedback form and we will assist you. These are the terms and conditions you need to read before using or accessing Flight ticket. By using our website or any other Flight ticket platform, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and our privacy policy. If you don’t agree to these terms, you cannot use our website. In these terms, “we”, “us”, and “our” refer to different Software Corporations, and “you” and “your” refer to the user of our website.

These terms include an arbitration clause and a waiver of the right to participate in a class action or representative lawsuit.

We can change these Terms at any time by posting a new version on Our Website. These changes do not impact any rights and obligations from before the changes. If you keep using Our Website after we modify the Terms, you will be bound by the updated version. Please check these Terms regularly for any changes. If you disagree with any provision or subsequent modification of these Terms, or if you become unsatisfied with Our Website, your only option is to stop using Our Website immediately.

Our company does not offer any travel products for sale.
Our Website is a travel search engine that does not provide, own, or control any of the Travel Products you can access through us, such as flights, accommodations, rental cars, packages, or travel insurance.The Travel Products are owned, controlled, or made available by third parties, either directly or as an agent.The Travel Providers are responsible for the Travel Products and their terms and privacy policies apply to your booking.You must agree to and understand the Travel Provider’s terms and the terms of the actual travel provider, such as the airline, hotel, or tour operator.Your interaction with any Travel Provider accessed through our website is at your own risk and we do not bear responsibility for any issues with your booking or during your travel.

The display of a travel product or provider on our website does not imply a recommendation by Flight ticket, or any sponsorship or approval of Flight ticket by that travel provider, or any affiliation between that travel provider and Flight ticket.

Flight ticket hosts content from Travel Providers, but we are not responsible for its accuracy. We have no control over the Travel Products and cannot guarantee the prices displayed on our website. Prices can change frequently and additional charges may apply. You should always double-check the price before booking. Some Travel Products may be sold in a different currency, and our currency conversion is for informational purposes only. Actual rates may vary, and your payment provider may charge conversion fees.

Booking through Flight ticket
If you make a booking through Our Website for Travel Products, the booking is made with the Travel Provider named on the booking page. Our Website acts solely as a user interface. Therefore, Flight ticket does not have any responsibility for the booking or the Travel Product. This is because Flight ticket is not involved in creating the product description, defining the price and fees, or providing the Travel Products. If you have any issues or disputes with your booking and/or the Travel Product, it is expected that you address and resolve these matters with the Travel Provider rather than with us.

Intellectual Property
We own all the text, images, software, trademarks, and other material on Our Website, except User Content. You can only copy or transmit the material for personal, non-commercial use. Any copies you make must include copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights notices. Non-Flight ticket products or services mentioned on Our Website belong to third parties for identification purposes only. You need to contact the third party for more information about their designations and registration status. Using or accessing Our Website does not give you the right to use any marks included on it.

Use of Our Website
To use Our Website or Trips, you must be of legal age and capable of entering into contracts.If you register or make a booking, you are responsible for keeping your passwords and account information confidential.You are also responsible for any use of Our Website by you, anyone with access to your login information, or anyone you allow to access your travel plans.All information you provide must be accurate and up-to-date.If your account is no longer secure, you must change your affected personal information promptly.

If you choose the option of receiving messages or other communications from Our Website on your mobile device, please ensure that you keep us updated with your current phone number and have the latest version of the mobile app. You will be responsible for any charges incurred from receiving such messages. We cannot be held liable for any information sent or accessed through an outdated phone number or mobile app. If you decide on installing any software or enabling any service that stores information from Our Website on a mobile device or computer, it is your responsibility, prior transfer or disposal of the device, remove your information or disable access, in order prevent unauthorized access.

Users are permitted to utilize Our Website solely for the purpose of searching for legitimate travel deals. It is strictly prohibited to make false, fraudulent, or speculative reservations, or to make reservations based on projected demand. By accessing Our Website, you acknowledge and agree to abide by all applicable laws in the United States and your own country, including laws pertaining to the export of technical data.

Furthermore, you are not allowed to engage in any of the following activities without obtaining prior written permission from Flight ticket.

Users are not allowed to access the site using any manual or automated process for purposes other than personal use or for including Flight ticket pages in a search index. The use of any automated system or software to extract data from Our Website, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, is prohibited.

Users must not violate any restrictions in robot exclusion headers on Our Website or attempt to bypass or circumvent other measures implemented to prevent or restrict access to Our Website.

Users are not allowed to deep-link to any portion of Our Website for any purpose.

Users are prohibited from using any device, software, or routine that disrupts or attempts to disrupt the normal functioning of our website or takes any action that excessively burdens our computer or network equipment.

Users are prohibited from reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling, trading, reselling or exploiting Our Website.

Users are not allowed to utilize any feature of Our Website for purposes that are unlawful, harmful, or considered objectionable or inappropriate by us.

Users are not permitted to post or distribute any material on Our Website that infringes on the rights of any third party or violates applicable law.

Our Website should not be used to collect or store personal data about others.

You are allowed to create a “hypertext” link to Our Website as long as it does not misrepresent or harm Flight ticket or Our Website. This permission can be withdrawn at any time without having to provide a reason.

When using Trips, the user assumes complete responsibility for any uploaded or shared travel information, as well as other content. The user must ensure that they have permission to share the information. Additionally, creating backup copies and replacing any shared information is the responsibility of the user and will be done at their own expense.

When you provide Trips Information or book through Flight ticket, you authorize us to make copies for storage purposes. By providing Trips Information, you confirm that you have the right to grant us a license to use and distribute that information. This license remains valid even if you remove your Trips Information. We don’t control or review Trips Information, but we have the right to review, edit, or delete it at any time.

Your Intellectual Property Rights
We have a strict policy against the infringement of intellectual property rights on Our Website. If you believe your trademark or copyright rights have been violated, please refer our Proprietary Rights Complaint Process available for download here (pdf 23 kB) and follow the instructions provided. Alternatively, you may send a written notification using the address specified in Section 14.

Warranty Disclaimer
Our Website, services, and content provided are as is and available. We generate content automatically, so errors can occur. We may not display all available providers and offers. Therefore, we do not always show the lowest price. Flight ticket disclaims all warranties, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, title, non-infringement, and accuracy. We also disclaim warranties arising from trade, dealing, or performance.

Our Liability Is Limited
We do not take responsibility for any damages or viruses that may affect your computer or property while accessing our website or downloading content. We also do not take responsibility for any injury, death, loss, claims, delays, or any other damages that may occur as a result of using our website or booking.

By agreeing, you commit to protecting us.
Under these Terms, you are responsible for defending and compensating us, as well as our officers, directors, employees, and agents, in relation to any claims, lawsuits, liabilities, expenses, losses, or demands, including legal and accounting fees, that arise from your violation of these Terms or any agreements referred to in these Terms, your violation of any applicable law, and your use of or access to Our Website, Trips, or the Intellectual Property.

Arbitration and Waiver
By accepting the Terms, you and Company are agreeing to waive the right to trial by jury and the ability to participate in a class action. Any disputes between Company or you, relating to the services or your relationship with the Company, including data, interactions with the Company, advertisements and disclosures, email and mobile SMS messages, or the use or disclosure of any information about you, will be submitted to confidential arbitration in your federal judicial district of residence. This excludes any violations or threats to violate Company intellectual property rights. Claims encompass contract, tort, fraud, agency, negligence, statutory or regulatory provisions, or any other source of law.

If you want arbitration, you need first send a written Notice of Dispute by certified mail. The Notice should describe the claim and relief sought. If there is no agreement within 30 days, arbitration can begin. The arbitration will follow the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator’s decision is final and can be entered in court. Claims cannot be joined with others unless agreed upon. The arbitrator cannot handle multiple claims or class proceedings.

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